Tuesday, 21 November 2006

Thanks guys

Last Sunday saw the Roar players out to Richlands, not for a training session, but a mingling one. And may I just say, it was an excellent opportunity to see the players as real people, not just players. Several players confirmed their arrogance in my books, but some totally blew my theories out of the water.
Although I did feel slightly sorry for the poor players who haven't managed to master the art of speaking English yet. I have never seen anyone look so bored eating as I did when I looked around and saw Zhang eating his lunch. Poor fellow. Maybe if he stopped smoking and pulled his socks up on the field, people might want to talk to him!
And good on Marcus Wedau for getting up at the game show, even though some of the questions were lost in translation. When asked the question 'If you have a fear of wide open spaces, what do you have?' he asked his team members if he had the answer right.
The fact that Chad Gibsons face just lit up and he started laughing showed that he may not have, but Gibson forced Wedau to say his theory anyway.
His answer?
Would love to hear stories from anyone else that was at the luncheon.


john said...

Crickey does Zhang smoke?

Jeccy56 said...

Yep! He surely does. Apparently he's about a pack a day smoker. Probably why he can't run as fast as the other players!!

john said...

I find that incredible. Did you see the story about him and his auto crash court case? At the time Frank wrote in the Courier-Mail that teams needed to be careful when deals seemed to be too good to be true.

Maybe that was why the Roar made such a public noise about his lack of fitness.

When you look at the players other teams have brought in it is a shame.